The venue of Multipurpose Terminal of PAS, Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei HUN Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS) At​ 8 AM on Wednesday, 1st May 2024, At the venue of Multipurpose Terminal of PAS, Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei HUN Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, highly presided over ...

The venue of Multipurpose Terminal of PAS, Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei HUN Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS) At​ 8 AM on Wednesday, 1st May 2024, At the venue of Multipurpose Terminal of PAS, Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei HUN Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, highly presided over the Gathering Ceremony of Goverment Civil Servant, Staff, Workers, and Employees of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port on the occassion of the Congratulations on the 138th Anniversary of International Labor Day, May 01

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