របាយការណ៍ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុត្រីមាសទី ៣ ប្រចាំឆ្នាំ ២០២៣
adminIn the third quarter of 2023, the total revenue of PAS is KHR 94,877,414,000 which increases by KHR 9,760,050,000 equal to 11.47% and the net profit is KHR 21,997,952,000 which increases by KHR 1,762,565,000 equal to 8.71% if compared to the same period of 2022 ...

The Second Quarterly Report 2023
adminIn the second quarter of 2023, the total revenue of PAS is KHR 92,063,132,000 which increases by KHR 832,843,000 equal to 0.91% and the net profit is KHR 29,957,795,000 which decreases by KHR 14,925,260,000 equal to 33.25% if compared to the same period of 2022. For the six months’ period ...

The First Quarterly Report 2023
admin adminIn the first quarter of 2023, the total revenue of PAS is KHR 77,627,445,000 which decreases by KHR 12,755,609,000 equal to 14.11% and the net profit is KHR 65,977,524,000 which increases by KHR 32,935,670,000 equal to 99.68% if compared to the same period of 2022. As at the ended of ...

Annual Report 2022
admin adminFor the twelve months’ period ended of 31st December 2022, total revenue of PAS is KHR 343,743,545,000 which increases by KHR 1,394,316,000 equal to 0.41% and net profit is KHR 84,155,215,000 which decreases by KHR 9,552,175,000 equal to 10.19% ...

Fourth Quaterly Report 2022
adminIn the fourth quarter of 2022, the total revenue of PAS is KHR 77,012,838,000 which decreases by KHR 10,664,143,000 equal to 12.16% and the net loss is KHR 14,005,081,000 which decreases by KHR 38,511,671,000 equal to 157.15% if compared to the same period of 2021 ...